The Manila Churches

The churches of Manila hold very significant roles in building the city’s historical background and culture, as well as the whole country. Upon the arrival of the Spanish colonizers in Manila, they had established the city as a suffragan diocese of Mexico in 1579. The Diocese of Manila had Fray Domingo Salazar, OP as its first bishop. After Salazar, different archbishops from different congregations like the Augustinians, Franciscans, Dominicans, and seculars succeeded him. Also these archbishops’ nationalities range from Spaniards, American, and Filipinos. From then on, Manila still holds true to its title as the heart of Catholic faith in the country.


Manila, a must-see

Manila can never be excluded in the list of tourist spots and must-see destinations in the country. As the seat of Christianity back in the Spanish period, the city had also been a home to some of the oldest churches and sacred structures in the country.

These structures are also reflections of our past and present culture. The eventful years since the Spanish period up to the present are very vital in molding and reflecting our identity as Filipinos. The old stone walls, interiors, carvings, and paintings were silent witnesses and casualties to the numerous earthquakes, battles, attacks of the enemies, and dishevelment the Filipino people went through.

Apart from the historical point of view, these churches cannot be divorced from the European influences shared by our past conquerors. But as time went by, these foreign influences were infused with the local and inherent culture. These features are distinguishable which made the structures of Manila churches overly interesting. For the curious, there are things beyond the aged walls, preserved interiors, and old sculptures: it’s the unsaid stories waiting to be discovered and written.


Urban Peregrinations

This site aspires to feature and provide tourists, photographers, lovers of history some of the significant information about the old churches found specifically in Manila. These old churches were among the most visited structures in the city. These serve as landmarks and hold some of the important history of the city. These have histories and stories of their own to tell. Also in line with the progressing technology these days, this site also aims to give a sort of virtual tour of the city’s religious structures for those at the moment, cannot visit these places personally.